National Conference on "New Trends in Bioinformatics"
Theme: New Methods, Softwares, Databases, Web-tools
of Bioinformatics from India
July 30th and 31st, 2012
IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India

Organized By :
Supercomputing Facility for Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, IIT Delhi

Poster size should be of 36" × 48".

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    Important annoucements for the Conference Participants

    Accommodation Status for Conference    List Of Confirmed Participants

    Conference Brochure    Conference Poster

    Genomic information for more than ~ 1800 genomes, is now available. NGS technologies while expediting sequencing are posing new challenges for assembly of large genomes. The annotation methods are less than perfect. Newer regulatory and coding regions are being discovered. Eukaryotic genome annotation is still a big challenge. New ways to look at genomic information are required.

    Protein secondary structure prediction methods have not evolved beyond 80% accuracy. Tertiary structure prediction methods being assessed via CASP also have reached a stage of 80% accuracy for 3 to 5 Ang structures. Structure based drug design initiatives require higher resolution targets which underscores the need for greater accuracies and precision in structure prediction. Above all, principles governing folding are still elusive.

    Drug design continues to be thwarted by affinity versus selectivity and toxicity issues which are still beyond the purview of docking and scoring strategies. Even the latter need better algorithms.

    While it is clear that systems biology needs to be harnessed in drug discovery, its current utilization is sub-optimal.

    Considering the challenges and opportunities involved in creating a pipeline for individualized medicine from the emerging genomic, proteomic and metabolomic information, it is proposed to organize a two day national conference (July 30th & 31st, 2012) on "New trends in Bioinformatics".

    The conference brings together several leading experts from the country in Bioinformatics to address what has been solved and what remains to be conquered in some key areas on the pathway to developing in silico suggestions of personalized medicine.

    The conference will feature, 25 leading scientists from the country sharing the latest from their Laboratories, at least 75 students making poster presentations on their discoveries. Overall, about 350 participants are expected.

    The conference coincides with the tenth anniversary of SCFBio, which has just put together "Dhanvantari" software which integrates the latest versions of Chemgenome, Bhageerath & Sanjeevini for genome annotation, protein tertiary structure prediction and target directed lead molecule design respectively, into a pipeline in a high performance computing environment. The participants will have an opportunity to familiarize themselves with methods/softwares/tools/databases from SCFBio as well as from the laboratories of the invited experts.

    Through this circular, we at SCFBio extend a warm welcome to all the experts and beginners in Bioinformatics to the conference.