RM2TS: From Ramchandran Maps to
Tertiary Structures of Proteins.

The missing link between Ramachandran map and tertiary structure

Use Cases & Example Run

Use Case 1 - generating alphanumeric strings from PDB

  1. Step1: Select the module -3D - 1D Representation

  2. Step2: Select the protein by clicking on the button " Click here to select the *.pdb file"

  3. Step3: Click Submit to run

Use Case 2 - sequence, secondary structure information known

  1. Step1: Select the module -1D - 3D Prediction

  2. Step2: Either upload the sequence by clicking on "Click to Upload" button or paste your sequence in the right side textbox

  3. Step3: Select Add secondary structure file option

  4. Step4: Upload or paste secondary structure information into the textbox option

  5. Step5: Submit the Job

Use Case 3 - only sequence information known

  1. Step1: Select the module -1D - 3D Prediction

  2. Step2: Either upload the sequence by clicking on "Click to Upload" button or paste your sequence in the right side textbox

  3. Step3: Select Predict secondary structure option

  4. Step4: Submit the Job